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At the table

Topic: Food / restaurants / menus
Character: Hugo & Charlotte
Game: Hugo and Charlotte serve in a restaurant
Project: A real restaurant menu and cut-out food to run your own play restaurant at home. Roll-play the waiter/customer/chef
Duration: 7 x 1 hour lessons minimum plus 2 years online access

Topic: Clothes (firefighter)
Character: Petit Paul
Game: Be the first to dress your shop window
Project: A bilingual dressing-up book with stickers
Duration: 7 x 1 hour lessons minimum plus 2 years online access
Includes: recycling and repairing clothes.
Who wears a skirt?

Petit Paul wants to be a firefighter

Topic: Christmas and winter
Character: Petit Paul
Game: Around the world by midnight
Project: A Christmas 3D pop-up scene of
Paul's sitting room
Duration: 7 x 1 hour plus 2 years' online access
Includes: Paul's ecological Christmas tips, advanced discussion topics, lesson plan and game counters with gift tags
Petit Paul Christmas

To get the most from your module make sure you use the video controls to turn on the volume, make the video full screen and play/pause. See the explanation with the coloured pointers left:
BLUE = Play / Pause
RED = Sound control
GREEN = Full screen control
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